Oregon Divisional Chainsaw Carving Championship


Website: Oregon Divisional Chainsaw Carving Championship

Facebook Page: ODCCC Facebook Page

Description: The Oregon Divisional Chainsaw Carving Championships is held every year since 2000 on Fathers Day Weekend in downtown Reedsport next to the Umpqua Discovery Center.

Come into Reedsport where you will be greeted by fantastical chainsaw carvings and sculptures virtually everywhere you look. From bears, eagles, and totem poles to fish, and fantasy scenes like knights and princesses.

The carvers come from all over the world and begin with ten foot sections of log and a chainsaw. The rest is loud and amazing…as they sculpt their vision using block and tip cutting and carving. To see what can be done with a chainsaw is nothing short of amazing.

The Quick Carve competition is a crowd favorite with artists donating their work to an auction that is used to support the event.  The quick carve is 90 minutes versus the main event which allows carvers several days to complete their sculptures. Carvers are allowed to use different tools, but the chainsaw is the main tool being used.

Don’t forget to check the website to see the lineup for this year’s event! We hope to see you there!


Rainbow Plaza
Downtown Reedsport, Reedsport, OR
Map & Directions

E-Mail Contact:  reedsportchamberofcommerce@gmail.com

Contact information to get involved: 

If you would like to be involved, please contact the Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce and we will be glad to add you to a list of people we can count on when we need help. Putting on an event like this successfully takes a lot of time and effort and the more volunteers we have, the better the event